<h1 class="entry-title">Category: QMS</h1>

FDA’s QMSR Final Rule Issued

January 31, 2024   FDA’s QMSR Final Rule Issued   FDA has issued its Final Rule on its new Quality Management System Regulation (QMSR) amending its device current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) requirements of the 1996 Quality System (QS) regulation (21 CFR Part 820) to harmonize and modernize it primarily by incorporating by reference ISO […]

Notifying Your European Notified Body About Non-Significant Changes

January 11, 2024   Notifying Your European Notified Body About Non-Significant Changes   Europe’s Union MDR (Regulation 2017/745) includes legislative authority (e.g., in Annex VII sec. 4.9) for Notified Bodies (NBs) to require a manufacturer to notify the NB about certain kinds of changes [e.g., QMS, product range, device design (including labeling), intended use or […]

External Documents Kept on an Externally-Controlled Server

April 21, 2023 External Documents Kept on an Externally-Controlled Server   I know of no regulations or standards specifically demanding an “internal” copy of standards or country regulations. Instead, the logistics of this are generally left to our discretion.  I elaborate further below.   Let’s start with ISO 13485 / EN ISO 13485 (as amended […]